Adding to the Dot Tel launch hoopla was the infamous video depicting two hormone-laden Brits fighting for the attention of an uptown blonde – all while riding an intercity train. The one who scribbled “” on the window with his opponent’s latte won the girl.
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
The Love Train
Adding to the Dot Tel launch hoopla was the infamous video depicting two hormone-laden Brits fighting for the attention of an uptown blonde – all while riding an intercity train. The one who scribbled “” on the window with his opponent’s latte won the girl.
Preselecting phone numbers: Calling from a mobile website integrated .Tel sub domain, via a main .Tel domain. Prior to calling, watch a slide show.

The basic idea:
Viewing a related slide show, prior to making a phone call. Something like this (App.: "Ting!"):

Going from the "Ting!" concept, I suggest the following idea, for a preselect phone dialing:
1.) A Dot Tel domain.
2.) A mobile website.
On that mobile website you have the following:
3.) A slide show, about yourself or your company.
4.) A integrated Dot Tel sub domain which only displays your phone number and email:
(This would better be a sub domain, for economic reasons, as you will want have more contact information on your main Dot Tel domain.)
Before dialing a number, the potential contact person, can learn a bit more about your company ("mycompany").
Basically, you only provide your phone numbers, on such mobile websites, with a slide show, each, and don't only publish a single phone number on a .Tel.
Because you have a integrated Dot Tel page, in a website, you can do "click to call", from that website.
So, instead of providing a phone link, you would be providing a web link ("Go To my phone number") to a mobile website, that has a mini slide show, providing some specific info about the owner of the phone number, which you might want to contact. This info, will make your decision, weather to call, or not, a hole lot easier.
Can you see, where I am going?...
The smartest thing, would be, to create a mobile website with contact info, as well as a integrated short slide show about you or your company, and have a link going to it, from your Dot Tel domain, instead of providing single phone number links on a Dot Tel domain.
On that mobile website, you would integrate a sub domain of that Dot Tel domain.
Does it sound complicated?:
Well, here is a mind map:
Link to mind map:
(from where you can "click to call"),
as well as a
mini slideshow about "mycompany" (which you look at, before you decide to make a call).
The call, is two clicks away, as you click on the link to the (other) mobile website, and from there, you click on the phone number, which is a link on the displayed .Tel sub domain of the .Tel domain, from where you started navigating.
Monday, 26 July 2010
Add-ons for Firefox: .tel Info 0.8.1

Add-ons for Firefox:
.tel Info 0.8.1
Works with Firefox: 2.0 – 3.6.
This extension will find any .tel addresses on a webpage and if any are found it will display a purple icon in the status bar and tool bar which can be clicked on to display the .tel information. If the tool bar icon doesn't display it can be added by going to View > Toolbars > Customise and selecting the .tel icon from the list.
Arthur Guy has basically created a simple way for people who are browsing websites to quickly pull .tel contact information from .tel names linked to the site. The first is for Google Chrome and the second is for FireFox. Both plug-ins are easy and quick to install (with Firefox requiring a re-start). Both have an icon that shows that .tel name information is available (Google’s indicator is in the browser bar, whereas FireFox’s is down in the bottom right-hand side of the browser window) and both list all of the .tel names available having automagically verified that they are indeed real by doing a DNS lookup. Both of these plug-ins make it really easy for people to find and utilize contact information from .tel if website owners have linked their websites to this contact information, providing a really easy display of a live ‘contact us’ page integrated with a website but without the user having to navigate to another page to find the information. We’re really pleased that developers are starting to take an interest in .tel and really getting the idea of simple-to-pull contact information being useful to end users.
Download source page:
Info source (main text):
Click to Call concepts
1.) Dot Tel web page.
2,) Link to Lady Nastya:
3.) Link goes to picture with click to call option, smilar to the concept of "Ting!"
But my idea, might enable people to decide, if they want to make a call, or not:

"Ting!" shows a full screen slideshow of a caller’s pictures during incoming calls. So the caller can assign to a particular contact several (or at least one) photos. And when this person calls the user can enjoy full screen photos of the contact.
Actually there are apps that act as a full screen caller on the market, but they mostly show just one picture. I assume that the ability to see several contact’s pictures during incoming call at once brings some fun and personalization to Symbian devices.
The application is written in Symbian C++ and consists of 2 parts: service and UI. Service is hidden and used to catch incoming calls, get incoming call number and check if it is added to the application database. If it is in the database, the application starts the slideshow with predefined pictures. The UI part is used to communicate with the application database and manage contacts.
Where to get the app?:
The most exciting thing in making mobile app is ability to use telephony functions and improve user experience in using mobile phone. This has led a developer to "Ting!", being recently launched. More of "Ting!" below.

At the same time the developer has realized, that since he is an independent developer and do most of the work himself, so there is no sense in trying to work with all possible mobile operating systems. In his situation, the only way to succeed as a mobile software vendor is to concentrate on one operating system and to do my best, developing high quality products for this platform. As you may expect he has chosen Symbian, since it is the only operating system which gives him as a developer deep access to telephony and device functions and at the same time gives him as a software vendor access to a really huge audience.
He was lucky enough to realize early that software development is the most easy task in selling product. What really takes most of your time is application promotion.
Implementing license manager, getting publisher id, signing, getting agreements with distributors, etc. That’s why his first product was partly aimed at building essential distribution relations like Handango, Ovi Store, Nokia Download, local Nokia stores here in Russia, etc. But at the same time it was a serious product called Blacklist Mobile which is very successful at the moment.
While working on Blacklist Mobile and it’s modification Whitelist Mobile, he had managed to gather all the telephony-based functionality you can gather using S60 APIs (including some Nokia’s partnering API’s). After that, he started to think how to use this in his next products. And how to use it in a product that can be targeted at a wide audience that has entertainment value. That’s how the idea of Ting! came to his head.
Read more, about "Ting!":
"Ting!" blog:
Sunday, 25 July 2010
.Tel in eine gleichlautende .Mobi einbinden

Soeben habe ich eine neue Theorie ausgedacht, bei dem man eine .Tel-Businesskarte in eine gleichlautende .Mobi Handywebsite einbinden kann:
Die Kosten für das Einrichten und Unterhalten einer .Mobi Domain, wären somit so tief wie nur möglich, und das kann man als Laie selber bewerkstelligen.
Der .Mobi benutzer bekommt dann eine .Tel-Website zu sehen.
Der Benutzer wählt eher eine .Mobi, weil ihm diese Domain bereits vertraut ist. Da das Redirekting auf eine .Tel zur Zeit technisch nicht möglich ist (weil man keinen eigenen Host hat), wäre hiermit ein Problem schon gelöst.
Siehe auch die Diskussion:
Fazit: So schnell, einfach und kostengünstig, hat noch Niemand eine .Mobi Webseite erstellt und online eingestellt.
Es macht nun auf einmal viel Sinn, .Tel und .Mobi Domains zu registrieren (vorzugsweise, paarweise, mit je einer anderen Domain-Suffix .mobi/.tel).
In anderen Worten, heisst das, dass man viel Traffic auf seine .Tel-Data erhalten kann, aber nicht auf seine .Tel-Domain selbst. Was auch nicht allzu schlimm ist.
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Integrate .TEL into your Website using iFrames
Since the release of .Tel last year, many people have asked "what can I do with my .Tel name"? There are many great ways youmcan use it, but here's a new development that got me excited.
An iFrame tag (eg. <iframe> ) defines an inline frame that contains another document.
The code is EXTREMELY easy to incorporate and took me less than 2 minutes to setup (no joke) on my personal website which uses a modified WordPress blog template.
Take a look

By integrating your .Tel name into your website you can effectively change your contact information simply by updating your .TEL. Once it is setup, you just login to your .TEL interface and make changes to your contact information and you are done.
Picture a company with 100 employees who each use a .Tel name. By integrating all their Tel names on one website, you can easily build an online directory that is independently updated by a 100 different individuals.
To embed your .TEL into your website, just follow Telnic's easy
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
.tel of the Week:

To demonstrate the functionality and what can be achieved with a .tel domain, Telnic will be selecting examples, which it will promote on this page. We are primarily interested in .tels that are helpful, well-populated and discover innovative ways to keep in touch.
This page will feature a new .tel domain each week. Please note that ".tel of the week" is not sponsored by any .tel domain owner, and is based exclusively on arbitrary choice of Telnic as the registry operator. If you would like your .tel to be featured on our site, please write on our forum. Not all submitted domains will be featured.
.tel domain:
Description: – innovative recycling business
A dotTEL business card image can be saved for linkage from your website!
A dotTEL business card image can be saved for linkage from your website!
Print one off, read it on your cell phone, let it dial your number. QRCode Readers here.
Learn more about QR codes in this video. will print and ship unique QR Code .tel business cards.
Online form:
Monday, 19 July 2010
Converting from Dot Mobi to Dot Tel: Mobile users tell their story
I guess it has been about 3 years ago I started working with the mobi domains. For my windshield repair business, it seemed like a natural fit. After all if you’re out on the road and you get a chip on your windshield, you could get the information you need on your cell phone.
I knew though, that there was one weakness to the mobi domain; it was a website that could be set up with a sub-page written for mobile devices. Some examples of an alternative way to create mobile content would be, ”” or “”.
As I see it, another problem was a host that would provide the program to meet mobi specs. Besides being limited at best, I was faced with either a good price and limited ability, or a high price. To solve the problem, I found an open source that cost nothing as long as I provided the storage. The storage wasn’t an issue as I have 40 gigabyte of storage through my company’s website host, not to mention several hundred gigabyte of bandwidth each month. When you consider, that by mobi specs, a page is limited to 20 kilobytes of data, using my existing host for storage wouldn’t be an issue.
As time has progressed, cell phones have gotten better and can handle a lot more data. This I believe has had an effect on mobi, because the restrictive requirements aren’t needed for the newer smart phones. As a result earlier this year, dot mobi was sold. Based on what I’ve read about the reason for the sale and all of the above issues, this showed me that storm clouds were forming.
Dot tel, another domain, also is a way to provide mobile content at a competitive price. Shortly after the dot tell domains were opened for sale to the public I purchased a dot tel for my windshield repair business and have seen my business grow due to customers using it on their cell phones.
Since the mobi sale, on several occasions I found a portion of all 3 mobi sites I have, didn’t function properly. On every occasion I had to go in and fix code that mysteriously had changed. While I know that the change of ownership of the domain had nothing to do with the code problems, it appears there are more issues.
Recently I received notice that the open source provider of the mobile program would soon be charging for the service. That in itself wouldn’t be a problem, the price being charged is. How ridiculously high? Well consider that the storage and bandwidth is a very small fraction of what I use for a conventional website. Yet the cost to keep my mobi sites up would be nearly 2 ½ times what I pay for my conventional website.
Okay, the question then becomes what should I do with Moving that material to was one option. Placing the material on another site I own that is dedicated to providing information while out on the road was a second choice. I had placed MS information on the mobi version of that website.
After thinking it over I decided to merge the information on with and put it on Doing this I believe will create more awareness of multiple sclerosis (MS) and help the cause. A second reason is that to get to MS events you need to travel, and this website is designed for travel.
So what becomes of the old mobi domains? Well I’ve pointed at, so if you use you will end up at the new website. is another story, efforts to redirect that domain with the current registrar has failed. A transfer to another registrar is taking place which will give me total control of the domain. I expect that to be completed by the coming weekend. Finally when I tested the new website with ready mobi it scored a 4, which means it will still load on most cell phones. is still under development so if you have a problem please let me know. My hope is that this project will bring more MS awareness and more support to find a cure to Wipe Out MS-like diseases like polio has been.